Dental Health - What's New?

The dental health of our patients is the focus of our work at the Dental Depot. Our team stays current with the latest dental news; we will use this page of the website to communicate important information to you. Dr. Ghering joined a group of volunteers from St. Anthony Church in Morris, Indiana, on a mission trip to Haiti in February 2012. He again traveled to Haiti in 2014. More information about his time in Haiti and photos from the trip are available below (please also check out more photos from Haiti in the Dental Depot reception area):
Dr. Ghering in Haiti, February 2012
A wealth of information is available from the American Dental Association (ADA). Please visit the ADA website at:

Continuing Education
Dr. Ghering and his wife, Abby, participated in a Continuing Education course with Dr. Spencer Boley and his wife, Kate. The course was presented by a nationally renowned speaker and focused on prevention of dental caries.
The Dental Depot Team Around Town
You can also keep track of our team as we participate in continuing education courses; get to know members of the community at local health fairs; and gather as an office for team building at the Reds game and other events.
to see the Dental Depot team around town.
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